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Pot Kiln Primary School

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Pot Kiln Nursery 


The Nursery unit, staffed by an Early Years Key Practitioner and Nursery Nurse, is normally attended for 3 terms (until the term in which they become 5). Children are able to attend for 15 – 30 hours a week. Our Nursery and Reception classes each have their own dedicated toilet area and they have their own secure outdoor area which is used for learning and play.

Policy and Guidelines for the administration of Nursery Admissions

At Pot Kiln School the Governing Body is the admission authority and has responsibility for setting these admission arrangements and for making decisions regarding admissions applications to our maintained school nursery. At present we follow the admissions criteria guidelines as published by the local authority.

In setting this policy we have due regard to the principles outlined in the following:-

Department for Education: School Admissions Code

School admissions code – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Equality Act 2010


Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on the Delivery of Free Early Education for Three and Four Year Olds

Early Education and Childcare for Local Authorities

We welcome all prospective parents to attend one of our open days or phone the school office on 01787 372107 to arrange an appointment to visit the school.

All places offered by us are early education funded; therefore there is no cost for care to the parents. Children may be admitted to our nursery the term after they turn 3 years of age (see table below). Children will usually be admitted to the Nursery for up to three terms part-time prior to full-time schooling. Depending on the child’s birthday and space available some children could have up to 5 terms in the Nursery prior to full time schooling.

Child's 3rd Birthday:-

Free early education from beginning of:-

1st September to 31st December

Spring Term (after Christmas holiday)

1st January to 31st March

Summer Term (after Easter holiday)

1st April to 31st August

Autumn Term (after Summer holiday)

Parents will be offered sessions of 3 hours per day over 5 days of the week (15 hours per week over 38 weeks). From September 2021, up to ten eligible families will be offered 30 hours per week over 38 weeks (a further 3 hours per day) on a first come first served basis.

Parents wishing to apply for a place in the Nursery Class should obtain a form from the school office.  An Expression of Interest form must be submitted and admin staff must see the original birth certificate or passport. A place is only considered as reserved once evidence of date of birth has been received.

At least the half term prior to each termly admissions meeting the school office will inform the Early Years and Childcare Service of the number of places available via a Nursery Admission Grid and provide the following information in chronological order about the children to be considered for admissions – dates of birth, names, addresses and contact numbers, whether they live in the catchment area or not, number of sessions required and whether AM or PM, any special information such as SEN /EAL, if there are any siblings at school.

Nursery Policy

30 Hours Code Form

Nursery PAF

Nursery Expression of Interest Form