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Pot Kiln Primary School

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Visions & Values

Our vision is for a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment, with an atmosphere of high expectations for all, to meet present and future needs of the Pot Kiln Primary community. We want to enable our pupils to become ambitious, successful and responsible citizens who have a fabulous quality of life and work.

By the end of Year 6 we want our pupils to:

Be resilient and know they can count

Be independent and life-long learners

Be able to make positive connections with others

Be confident in their abilities & all they are capable of

Be courageous to take and build on all opportunities and experiences they have

Be responsible for their own learning

Be healthy in body, mind and spirit

We want our staff to provide

A listening culture

An inspiring culture

A safe space to learn

A creative & fun environment

A school which values the individual

A school where parents, carers and guardians are partners in the learning journey of their children

Signposting and advice to our pupils and their families where needed

We want our learning community
to be the very best that they can be!