Safeguarding & Online Safety
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Pot Kiln
Safeguarding in Pot Kiln is considered everyone’s responsibility and as such our school aims to create the safest environment within which every pupil has the opportunity to achieve their potential. Pot Kiln recognizes the contribution it can make in ensuring that all pupils registered, or who use our school, feel that they will be listened to and appropriate action taken. We will do this by endeavouring to work in partnership with other agencies and seek to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and other colleagues to develop and provide activities and opportunities throughout our curriculum that will help to equip our children with the skills they need. This will include materials and learning experiences that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills and protective behaviours.
Pot Kiln has a Governing body whose legal responsibility it is to make sure that the school has an effective safeguarding policy and procedures in place, and monitors that the school complies with them. The Governing body also ensures that parents, carers and guardians are aware of the policy, through the school website and the policy is made available to parents and careers if requested. It is also the responsibility of the Governing body to ensure that all staff and volunteers are properly vetted to make sure they are safe to work with the pupils who attend our school, and that the school has procedures for handling allegations of abuse made against members of staff (including the Headteacher) and volunteers. The Governing body ensures that there is a Named Governor and a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who has lead responsibility for dealing with all safeguarding issues in our school.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Greg Pemberton (also our SENDCo)
If Mr Pemberton is not available then there are Alternative Designated Safeguarding Leads in our school (ADSLs) :
– Thomas Williams
– Sean Ambrose
_ Linda Mitchell
– Abby Tweed (Breakfast Club Leader)
– Tracy Earle (After school club Leader)
(These people can also be contacted with any safeguarding concerns).
The Named Safeguarding Governor is: Kevin O’Connell and is the governor responsible for safeguarding children and ensuring children in this school are kept safe from harm. The named safeguarding governor plays an important role in ensuring oversight and scrutiny of the safeguarding policy, procedures and practice on behalf of the full governing body.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
**Keeping our children safe online and in our community is part of our safeguarding role. Mr Williams is our lead on Online safety as well as our DSL Mr Pemberton and they can be contacted on and **
The CEOPs website has superb resources to support parents, carers and guardians in keeping our chidlren safe online. Please do look at their website for great ideas.