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Pot Kiln Primary School

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Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision

At Pot Kiln Primary School, we are committed to providing opportunities for everyone within an inclusive environment. We are a Thrive school and this is embedded in all we do, creating a nurturing environment which enabling our pupils’ needs to be met and their potential achieved. For some of our pupils though, we recognise that they may require a more personalised approach to enable them to make progress, enjoy success and achieve their potential.

To support pupils with specific needs we use a person centred, collaborative, graduated approach- ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle to ensure we give the high quality and appropriate support these pupils need. This process is supported by Suffolk’s Local Offer, our contribution to this can be found in our SEN Information report.

In meeting children’s needs we are also required to work within the following Acts:

(Click on the title to read the document)

The SEN Code of Practice and the Children and Families Act 2014

The SEN and Disability Act (amended 2001) and the The Discrimination and Disability Act (12 2006)

The Equality Act (2010)

Finding out about our school:

Parents, carers and guardians are welcome to visit our school. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Mr Greg Pemberton. Her contact details are as follows:

By phone:      01787 372107

By email:     greg.pemberton@potkiln.net
The school’s governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is Mrs Louise Arnold. She can be contacted via the school’s main office, or by email: louise.arnold@potkiln.net

What if I think my child has Special Educational Needs or a Disability?

You need to ask for a meeting with your class teacher and the SENDCo Mr Pemberton as soon as you can. You need to explain what your worries and concerns are. The school will then make a plan with you and your child. if appropriate, to make the required reasonable adjustments to the teaching and learning in your child’s class.

If, once the plan has run for 6 weeks, there is no improvement or change for your child, then the SENDCo will meet with you as family again, and next steps will be explored.

Next steps may include assessments by the SENDCo, consultation with health professionals and/or other professionals visiting the school and making specialist assessments.

If you are unhappy with the plan or the next steps, please arrange to see Mr Sean Ambrose, the Acting Headteacher and she will be only too happy to help you further. 

   Our SEN Policy

   Read Our SEND Report

SEN Information

SEN Arrangements